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How To Use Castings...

Earthworm Casting Tea Directions

Brewing Earthworm Casting Tea

DO NOT USE chlorinated water. You can remove the chlorine by aerating with the aquarium air pump and air stone. Aerate the water for 12 hours before putting in the castings.

It is best to make the tea when the weather is relatively warm 60 degrees or more. In colder weather brew tea longer.
Put 3 lbs of castings in 5 gallons of water
Add 1 cup of de-sulfured molasses (available at grocery store). Mix it in the water. If you heat the cup of molasses in the microwave for about 20 seconds it will make it much easier to mix into the tea.
The molasses is necessary to keep the beneficial microbes alive until the tea is sprayed out on the soil where the microbes can live.
Put an aquarium aerator in the 5 gallons with the castings and molasses and aerate the water for 24 hrs. Also stir 3 or 4 times during the 24 hrs could be helpful
You will need to screen out the casting residue so it doesn’t clog sprayers. The residue can be screened out by pouring the tea through cloth such as an old T shirt or use several paint strainers.
The 5 gallons can now be added to 25 gallons to equal 30 gallons for spraying if necessary aerate any water used to get rid of chlorine. You need to make sure this is thoroughly mixed.
Use the casting tea ASAP definitely within 4 – 5 hours as the microbes start dying from lack of food and oxygen.
You can not use too much casting tea it will not hurt any plants.
Chemical fertilizers are most often detrimental to soil microbiology, by-passing and often destroying much of its beneficial microbial and bacterial activity.
The production of chemical fertilizers, especially nitrogen, requires large amounts of fossil fuels. By replacing chemical fertilizers with natural soil ingredients we help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.
Castings provide high concentrations of beneficial bacteria and other microbes added by the earthworm in the digestive process. These help different elements of the soil work in conjunction with each other to create healthy soil that provides the best possible atmosphere for optimum growth.

Directions for Using Earthworm Castings/ Vermicompost

Directions: Earthworm Castings/Vermicompost

Potted Plants and Seeds/Seed Flats-New – Potting mix-use 1 part earthworm castings to 3 parts soil. Or can use up to 100% castings with good results but lower concentrations are very effective
Potted Plants – Add 1-2 inches of Earthworm castings to top of soil. Mix in taking care not to damage shallow roots – water – repeat every 2-3 months.
Vegetables and Annual Flowers – Line furrows and plant holes with 2” of earthworm castings. Before placing seeds and plants then cover seeds and plant roots with soil. Side dress during growing seasons at a rate of 1/2 cup per plant or 1 cup per linear foot of row once every 2 months.
Roses, Trees, Shrubs and Berries – When planting mix 1 part earthworm castings to 3 parts soil. Surround newly dug hole with mixture. Spread roots over a mound of the mix in the hole and cover.
Roses – Established – Mix 4 cups of earthworm castings into soil 2-3 inches below the surface for each plant.
Lawns – New – Apply 10 lbs. per 100 sq. ft. into the topsoil. Mix in grass seed and water well.
Lawns – Established – Top dress 10 lbs. per 100 sq. ft.
Trees (fruit, citrus, nut, ornamental) – Apply by topdressing from the trunk to the edge of the drip line. With established trees top dress with 5 lb. castings per 1-inch diameter of the tree two to three times a year. It is important to get the worm castings applied during the spring blossoming period.
Compost Piles – Spread a thin layer of earthworm castings between each new layer of material to be composted