352.346.9216 | blackstarorganic@gmail.com
Black Star Organic Products
Earthworm Castings
Earthworms will ingest organic matter and what is excreted by the earthworm is called
castings and contains microbes and natural plant hormones, making an extremely effective
Black Star Organic Products
Earthworm Castings
Earthworms will ingest organic matter and what is excreted by the earthworm is called
castings and contains microbes and natural plant hormones, making an extremely effective

About Us
Why Buy From Us?
- To produce our castings we use cow manure that has been composted for several months . The composted cow manure is fed to the worms and after 3 to 4 weeks the castings are harvested by screening through a 1/8 screen. Small fibers from the manure and occasionally some worm eggs or small worms will fall through the screen along with the castings.
- No peat or any other non sustainable products are used in our castings / vermicompost product. Black Star castings/vermicompost looks different from some of the castings currently sold in Florida but is as effective as any of the expensive brands. We have been producing and selling casting for over 10 years and have many satisfied customers

Casting Grow Anything!
Earthworm casting/vermicompost does not have the pollution risks of chemical fertilizer, nutrients do not leach into ground water